They say all good things arrive in threes, and the third single to be cut from Addie Brik’s upcoming album That Dog Don’t Hunt (out 25 November, via Itza Records) is a prime example.
A song that dwells upon the laws of the ultimate numbers game, ‘The First Odd Prime’ finds Addie reflecting on Fibonacci’s revolutionary sequence, and the natural order of things. As Addie explains:
“This is about compassion, as seen through the lens of Nature, The Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Numbers, with the fairy dust of the Charles Laughton film, Night of The Hunter, thrown in for colour.”
Featuring a stellar cast of guest players, ‘The First Odd Prime’s thunderous rhythms come courtesy of Simple Minds’ Jim McDermott on Drums, with Glenn Lewis (guitars) and Nick Blythe (bass) adding to its swirling maelstrom of sounds. US star N’dea Davenport (Brand New Heavies, Malcolm McClaren) also contributes her vocals to its hypnotic chorus hooks.