Psych-rock quartet Annie Taylor are back with double single ‘Midnight’ / ‘All the Time’.
The catchy, addictive hook of ‘Midnight’, the energetic voice of the singer and the fuzzy rock sound of the four-piece are definitely the soundtrack for a wild night out.
‘Midnight’ is the name of Annie Taylor’s new rocknroll single, and it literally knocks you off your feet. But then you want to get back up, drop everything but yourself, and spend a night out in chaos, as frontwoman Gini Jungi says: “This one’s about to blow off one’s steam while getting lost with friends beyond midnight on a weekend”.
Contrary to the powerful single ‘Midnight’, ‘All The Time’ comes across as spheric. Once again, the band skillfully reveals their fragile side to its fans. It tempts its listeners to daydream with psychedelic laid back guitars.