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Photo credit: Ida Hollis

Hattie Whitehead explores loss in powerful new single ‘MECHANISM’

UK artist Hattie Whitehead’s recent work has been shaped by the death of her mother, bringing a rawness and profoundness to an artist already known for her unflinching honesty and eye-widening vulnerability in the re-telling of her personal experiences in her songs, including tales of the industry’s troubled relationship to women.

New single ‘Mechanism’ fuses a gentle folk sensibility with contemporary song writing and is led by Hattie Whitehead’s powerful voice. It is the title track of Hattie Whitehead’s forthcoming Mechanism EP, heavily impacted by the presence of powerhouse producer John Reynolds (Brian Eno, Herbie Hancock, Bjork, David Byrne, and the late Sinead O’Connor), alongside co-producer Tim Bidwell (Lucy Rose, Memorial).

‘Mechanism’ offers a taster for the EP and explores the importance of connecting with grief. “Following the loss of my mum I went through a period of time when I felt like the only way of functioning in the world was to disassociate to become a kind of grief robot” explains Hattie. “I couldn’t really let people in, and my energy was spent purely on getting through the days. It was the hardest chapter of my life so far, with a constant feeling that I was just about keeping my head above water.”

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