Everyone knows the story of blue-frocked Alice delicately falling through the rabbit hole to emerge in beloved Wonderland. In an opposite alternate reality exists Molly Rocket’s psychedelic prog-rock re-telling, ‘Rabbit Hole’, where they explode the timeless moment of the fall, charting it as a slow descent into madness.
‘Rabbit Hole’, an insatiable taste of their forthcoming debut EP Syrup, out May 3, strips back all niceties and leaves a grungy, distorted pile of gritty bones, confusion and pure insanity. Showcasing the undeniable talent of the 4-piece from Adelaide, their genuinely refreshing sound positions them for a knock-out debut EP.
The band had this to say of the track: “’Rabbit Hole’ is a song that encapsulates the experience of pure insanity. The lyrics draw inspiration from the iconic children’s story “Alice in wonderland.” which themes and imagery are famously interpreted as the protagonist’s mental decline. Verging on poppy, rocky and thrash-y, the sound juxtaposes itself with gritty distorted guitars and menacing drums, alongside the melodic and catchy chorus. The last minute of the track turns up the intensity and is really what the entire song is building up to. A completely chaotic display, showing the darkness in which the bottom of the rabbit hole is and where reality and fiction bleed into one.”