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The Pill share new single ‘Money Mullet’

Isle Of Wight duo The Pill are back with their fourth single, ‘Money Mullet’. The track takes aim at the divisive divisive haircut that refuses to go away.

With a scuzzy, in-your-face sound, ‘Money Mullet’ captures the band’s trademark chaotic energy, combining cutting humour and breakneck guitars to kick start a year that is set to see the duo continue to rise. As is fast becoming The Pill’s trademark, it’s a bold, funny, and unapologetic track that sits next to their previous singles which take aim at social conventions and gender roles.

On the track The Pill say : “Please be sure to show your hairdresser (your girlfriend) this song before embarking on another mullet,” says Lily, half of the duo. “Our 4th single, ‘Money Mullet’, is a hate song. Sorry, we just really don’t like them.”

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