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Annie Hart announces new album The Weight Of A Wave & shares first single, ‘Stop Staring At You’

Renowned musician and composer Annie Hart is thrilled to announce her fourth full-length studio album, The Weight of A Wave, set to release on August 4 on Uninhabitable Mansions.

The Weight of A Wave showcases Hart’s undeniable songwriting prowess. Characterized by an eclectic mix of poppy basement rock to energetic krautrock-inspired jams, each song was crafted in what Hart and her friends affectionately call “Song Challenges,” producing a minimum of three songs per session. This technique grants the album an organic and vibrant quality that successfully captures a sense of spontaneity often missed in studio recordings. The lead single from the album, ‘Stop Staring At You,’ epitomizes this unique musical expression. Directed by acclaimed cinematographer and director Benjamin Kasulke, the music video features Hart doing Yvonne Rainer-inspired dance on a glorious beach in Malibu.

Annie gives the back story of the ‘Stop Staring At You’ single and video: “This song was inspired by a very charismatic friend of mine who was addicted to looking at how many likes they had on Instagram. I had fallen under their otherwise charming spell and was along for the ride of their friendship and fun adventures. One night, I saw them surrounded by fawning half-fans and saw them basking in the glow of this empty affection, and all lit up by being worshiped, and I just saw the sad emptiness of that kind of existence and knew there was nothing I could do for this person, that they had became the prisoner of their own misery. This song is about not judging your self worth on other people’s half-attention and finding your true value in yourself and your real relationships.

“The video for this song is a meta take on this concept. It zooms out and makes fun of me – I hired a director to make a video that is all about me, singing a song about other people obsessed with themselves. I wanted to make a statement about how we are all participants in this sort of self-indulgent behavior. But I also just wanted to dance and make weird art on the beach.”

The Weight Of A Wave:

  1. Boy You Got Me Good
  2. Crowded Cloud
  3. I Never Do
  4. A Lot of Thought
  5. Waking Up
  6. What Makes Me Me
  7. Stop Staring at You
  8. Falling
  9. Nothing Makes Me Happy Anymore
  10. While Without

Photo credit: Sebastian Kim

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