Jemma Freeman and The Cosmic Something return with their new album Miffed following their 2019 debut album Oh really? What’s That Then? Miffed is being released November 25 on Trapped Animal Records.
Now they release the first single from the album, the infecitons nihilistic track,’Easy Peeler’. Jemma explains that the song was born out of a warm-up jam in a rehearsal, “it’s a thing of pure unadulterated fury at brexiteers, the patriarchy, antivaxers, terfs and royalists, with exasperation directed at late night online social media discourse dressed up as debate that is actually just pessimistic, shallow bigotry. Easy Peelers are a type of fruit specially bred for the skin to be easily removed. I like the symmetry of the name with the thin skinned critics of so called snow flake culture. The vitriolic delivery a testament to the unimaginable futility you can feel as just one small person in an ocean of vacuous impossibility.
“The lyrics were written by walking around and singing out loud to the instrumental track during lockdown. I’d moved from South east London to the west London suburbs, to be near to my girlfriend at the time. Being visibly queer and autistic in an incredibly homogeneous upper middle class environment felt totally unnatural. There is a limit to how many tuts and suspicious looks up and down one person can tolerate before either shutting down or lashing back. I’m not a violent person, my power lies within my words so belting out a volley of anarchic affirmations felt empowering. I liked the idea of being antagonistic, the antithesis of the boomer core values I felt I might drown in.”
Miffed is an introspective journey through psychedelic glam-rock nightmares, woozy flows of self-discovery and beguiling lyrics delivered with subtlety and intensity. The album covers themes of secret worlds, hidden agendas, apathy & anxiety, with Jemma’s sonorous voice telling a story of unravelling completely and tying yourself back up again. Emerging like joyous sci-fi warriors, the songs either overtly or indirectly demonstrate solidarity with anyone that’s ever identified feeling off-kilter with the rest of the universe and needing an equally wonky sound-track to back it.
- Big Bread
- Easy Peeler
- Nobody Ever
- Huge
- Lump
- Maersky
- Bugles
- I Thought Too Much
- Sicilian Mousse
- Take Me