georgia, georgia returns with new single ‘things you do’

georgia, georgia's fourth single ‘things you do’ is out today via Factory Flaws and it’s a profound yet catchy indie-pop gem. Speaking about it, she explained: “‘things you do’ is about the first relationship that truly left a mark on me. I was 18 and in love with my best friend, but…


georgia, georgia shares new single ‘comphet’

georgia, georgia's third single ‘comphet’ is out today via Factory Flaws. Speaking about it, she explained: “Long hair, nail polish, musician, feminist, … my list of criteria was long and he met them all. He was perfect on paper, but still something felt wrong. What if I was the problem? I questioned…


georgia, georgia shares new single ‘runner up’

In February 2024, Giorgia Piva, aka georgia, georgia, released her debut single ‘lies’. Her sophomore single ‘runner up’ is out today via Factory Flaws. Speaking about it, she explained: "Did you ever have to compete to receive someone’s love? To prove that you are worth it? To fight for someone who isn’t…


georgia, georgia shares debut single ‘Lies’

Giorgia Piva, aka georgia, georgia, is a singer-songwriter born in Verona, Italy in 1999 - under the sign of Scorpio. Passionate about music since childhood, as a self-taught artist she’s understood growing up that writing represents the most powerful means to tell her experiences and translate emotions into something liberating. The moniker…