Read more about the article Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers & The Linda Lindas join forces on ‘Please Me’
Teen Jesus photo credit: @sheisaphrodite & The Linda Lindas photo credit: Jessie Cowan

Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers & The Linda Lindas join forces on ‘Please Me’

Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers have joined forces with The Linda Lindas for new collaborative single 'Please Me.' It’s the latest from I Love You Too – a deluxe of the band’s debut LP that’s out this Friday, September 20, via their new partnership with Mom + Pop Music. It’s a…


The Linda Lindas are doubling down on the excitement surrounding their forthcoming album No Obligation by dropping a song with the G.O.A.T. (“Good On Accordion, Tho”) himself, “Weird Al” Yankovic. The raucous garage-rock anthem 'Yo Me Estreso' is driven by heavy guitar melodies and a bass line that jabs at Bela Salazar’s…

0 Comments Creating a dreamy and chic soundscape, Gorgeous Dyke’s latest offering is a noticeable shift from their post-punk roots. Still running off the energy of a catchy, Bauhaus-esque bass line, 'No Approval,' differs in its more obvious house direction. The lyrics paint a picture of an unflappable woman heading steadfast wherever life…