Kuni is the project of Eleonora Danese, a twenty-nine years old artist from Rome. Kuni’s debut single, and first song out of her upcoming debut EP is ‘Sleep Baby’, a nostalgic, dreamy indie-pop lullaby full of pristine vocals and elegant, timeless melodies.
Speaking about the song, she explains: “All of my songs were born out of a few or many tries at the piano. I sit, I play for a while looking for the chords that sound the best for me, and then I improvise some lyrics that sooner or later becomes the one that stays. The same happened with “Sleep Baby”. I was playing and started to hum around with the word “baby”. I found the main melody and first verses and once I saw that they worked on the chords, I went out on the balcony and sent a voice memo to Pietro on WhatsApp singing them. He gave me the thumbs up so I went back inside and finished it.
She adds: ““Sleep Baby” is my way to say to the other person “There is so much more I could say to you to make you understand me better but I won’t because that would hurt way too much”. It is my way to show how protective I am of their feelings. I love to share stories and things about my past, because I feel very attached to the past itself, but I know I can’t always say everything. Oversharing is kind of a problem for me and trying to control it shows just how much I care about who I am sharing with, since stories about us are also about others and often generate unexpected feelings and reactions that aren’t always good for the ones who are listening.”