Siobhan Cotchin has returned with tenderness and vulnerability in her initial release for 2023, ‘When The Curtains Close’. A warm and embracing guitar tone accompanies Siobhan’s vocal performance, aching with unshielded honesty. ‘When The Curtains Close’ is an elegy to a love; noting that one’s true colors have shone through, marking the visceral end of a relationship, even if the heart still loves.
Cotchin continues to shine lyrically, providing prose and storytelling of one far beyond her years. Reaching back to the moment shared with this person, she transports herself and listeners to the instances, when betrayal strikes and the realization dawns that who you’re with, is not the right person for you.
“’When The Curtains Close’ is about not being able to recognise someone you love after their actions show their true colors,” she explains of the track. “It’s about feeling betrayed, thinking you should’ve seen the signs earlier but loving someone so much that you don’t want anything to jeopardize it.
“This song was one that basically wrote itself. I was going through a lot at the time, dealing with realizations about someone I was close with. In order to write the song, I just remembered how it felt to be in the presence of this person and the effect it had on me and others around me. It’s a very visceral song and I get transported back to the time I wrote it every time I sing it.”