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Sophie Griffiths addresses body image struggles and her quest for self love in new anthem ‘Take My Hand’

Sophie Griffiths returns with her first single of 2024, seeking to connect with listeners on a personal level, acknowledging society’s unrealistic beauty standards and the emotional toll that societal pressures can have on self-esteem.

‘Skin I’m In’ is a standalone single with a powerful message. Taking a slightly different tone in this track, Sophie has decided to show her serious side. It has her personality that runs through everything she does, but features more heartfelt lyrics and a melodic arrangement. ‘Skin I’m In’ is an empowering song sharing her on-going journey towards self-love and acceptance. Despite the painfully honest opening verse, the song’s chorus serves as a beacon of hope, encouraging listeners to find strength in vulnerability and recognise the beauty within.

Bronte Pictures hand picked the song to soundtrack the closing credits for their Australian Feature Film ‘Take My Hand’; about an Australian woman living in London, who is diagnosed with MS. ‘Skin I’m In’ plays over the film’s closing scene where the lead character comes to accept her MS diagnosis, surrounded by the people and things she loves in her life, refusing to be defeated by the disease.

Speaking about the song Sophie said: “Growing up I struggled with my body image, along with a lot of teenage girls going through drastic changes in the way they look. I really struggled (and sometimes still struggle) to look at myself in the mirror without trying to improve what I’m looking at, but as I’m getting older I’m realising there’s so much more to life than having the ‘perfect figure’ – whatever that is! ‘Skin I’m In’ explores a very vulnerable side to myself that I’ve never shared before, but is ultimately a self love anthem, urging whoever listens to start being kinder to themselves and their body.”

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