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Photo credit: Norrel Blair

Kiss Bang make their presence known with debut single ‘Horrors Of Your Hometown’

Bursting forth from Los Angeles, Kaya Stewart and Max Mercier today make their first release as the edgy pop duo, Kiss Bang, with ‘Horrors Of Your Hometown.’ They also announce that their debut EP of the same title will be available on March 15 via Bay Street Records, the label founded by Dave Stewart of Eurythmics.

Taking the winding route to avoid the modern pop formulas and squeaky clean production often associated with their genre at all costs, Kiss Bang makes timeless earworms that could have been written in 1985 or 2050.

After meeting by chance, Stewart and Mercier were immediately drawn to create together. Stewart shares, “From the minute we met we knew that we were musically kindred spirits. I think we both have qualities in our own music that make us so individual and unique, and working together created a sound that neither of us had ever heard before, but felt so true to who we were.”

Mercier elaborates that, “Kiss Bang is the biggest blessing for me as it allows me to create outside of the strict mental confines I set for myself when making music. Kaya’s music taste spans all genres and eras just like mine and she has an incredible ability to extract different sounds out of me. It’s super inspiring.”

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