Jayden Nicole Binnix (they/them), professionally known as Black Polish, embarked on their musical journey at the age of 13. Drawing inspiration from a diverse array of artists including Fleetwood Mac, Mitski, Lord Huron, Lorde, and Twenty One Pilots, the alt/indie artist, now 18 years old, they recently announced their forthcoming debut album, Forest (Monsters Live In The Trees), arrives January 26 via Riptide Music.
Following the record’s last few single releases — ‘Purple Skies,’ ‘Graves,’ and ‘Void’ — now, Black Polish returns with another new cut entitled ‘Streetsigns.’
“‘Streetsigns’ speaks of wanting to escape your self destruction and be completely isolated free to do whatever you please,” Binnix explained. “It’s a love song for a place where responsibility doesn’t exist and guilt will never reside within you.”