Lonely Little Kitsch is a two-piece alt-rock band from Niagara, Canada. Making the most of the quarantine when the pandemic hit in 2020, Kristen Goetz and Nolan Jodes spent a lot of time creating songs together. The ease of making music together was hard to ignore, and it evolved into an alternative rock project without boundaries or expectations.
The band’s new single ‘Monster’ is a song about simple miscommunication, blown out of proportion.
“When I first started writing the lyrics for ‘Monster’, it was mostly about how I can get easily frustrated and overwhelmed, and turn into something ugly. I’m not proud of it, but it’s accurate. But the more the song took shape, it became about how divided the world is right now, and how easily people turn on others. Just look at the comments section of any article or social media post, and you’ll see exactly what I mean. It’s a divisive time, and we’re seeing the worst in people. Even ourselves,” explains Kristen.
“Musically, this came together a couple of years ago. Nolan was playing around on the guitar and came up with the main riff, and as I overheard it, the melody and words “I become a monster” just came out of nowhere. That’s usually how it happens.”