T.A. Narrative is a duo from Limerick, Ireland, composed of Tara Nix and Anna Murphy. The pair, who are childhood friends, have worked together under various guises, sharing the stage in Irish punk bands and touring and recording in the U.S.
‘Caught Out’ is a dramatic, thumping, synth-driven pop song, drawing influence from icons such as Lady Gaga, Robyn and Abba. The song came about quite fast one evening when Tara and Anna were having a handstand competition in Tara’s kitchen. Fellow Limerick producer Chris Kirby brought his honed production skills to the track to create an exciting buzzing soundscape. It gives a nod to the iconic pop sound from the 00’s and beyond.
Speaking about the track, Tara states: “I wrote this as an observer, witnessing someone engaging in the addictive state of infatuation, and the destruction that followed. While I claim to be an outside observer, I can’t help but see parallels between their behaviour, my own experiences, and the larger societal, environmental, and global issues we all face.”