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Track of the Week: ‘Oh Well’ by Estère

Estère’s track ‘Oh Well’ is a funky millennial lament about the current state of the world. Inspired by early 2000’s Hip-Hop and RnB production – as are many of Estère’s songs – it flits between existential conundrums and tongue-in-cheek lyrics.

Estère says, “I wrote ‘Oh Well’ during a lockdown. I’d grappled with a string of disappointments due to cancellations and the general feeling of being trapped at that time. I was thinking about how there are so many things we learn to be ambivalent about as a generation and a society – If we truly took everything on, we would mentally and spiritually implode from the pressure. But where’s the line? Am I too apathetic? Do I care enough about things? Those are the questions I was asking myself when I wrote ‘Oh Well’.”

If pop were an urban centre, ‘Oh Well’ would sit comfortably on its inspired outskirts, combining underground elements of RnB, cafe culture, a modicum of romance language and a dance-floor rhythmic groove.

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